From CT to MXD

After mounting, scanning and reconstruction, the individual tree cores can be cut in the proper direction, virtually obviously, and using our software, we can demarcate the ring boundaries on the 3D volumes and extract MXD.

Main steps to take

Sample preparation

From the tree core database with samples from the upper tree line of California and Nevada and collected by LTRR (University of Arizona), a selection will be made by Dr. Matthew Salzer.

Sample scanning

Specific sample holders will be designed for X-ray CT scanning using one of the dedicated scanners of UGCT, resulting in a unique database of XμCT data on tree cores of bristlecone pine.

MXD chronology

The 3D increment cores will be processed using the in-house developed DHXCT and CoreComparison toolboxes (available here), in combo with existing tree ring analysis software in R. As such we will have an annually-resolved MXD chronology.

Temperature reconstruction

The newly obtained tree-ring (MXD) series will be crossdated against the reference (TRW) chronology, and by use of instrumental data we will aim for a multi-millennial-length summer temperature reconstruction.